Step 8: Communicate Climate Change Information
The first step of communicating the results of this case study is to identify the intended audience. For this assessment, the primary audience is the Ministry of AgricultureĀ and Livestock (MAL). The secondary audience is the farmers and industry stakeholders that MAL deals with.
The main communication product to present the assessment results isĀ the case study report, intended primarily for MAL. A fact sheet has also been prepared that MAL can use in their communication with farmers and industry stakeholders.
Results of this assessment may also be presented in other ways, as appropriate, including:
- Briefings to decision makers, presentations at meetings and conferences
- Media releases
- Scientific paper outlining the results (to add scientific credibility to the findings)
In addition, the results of this preliminary assessment can be used as input to a full, more detailed and comprehensive risk assessment to be undertaken for the cocoa or broader agricultural sector in Solomon Islands at some future date.